2024 Trip 4: Sandbanks

Our annual excursion to Sandbanks never disappoints. So much to do in The County, lots of visiting with friends, and of course, time on the fabulous beaches.

Our two week stay meant a move to a new site in the middle, given the new rules limiting the length of time spent on one site. This is a good policy change to increase the site rotations so that it gives more opportunities for campers to get sites within the park.

lots of these colourful thistles everywhere

Our friend Mark was here with his Alto, continuing a long tradition of when we would meet up with him and Angela at Sandbanks for a summer visit. Like last last year, Mark’s brother Tom joined him for a few days. Mark being an avid cyclist, I joined him on a few of his cycle tours through the area. He knows all the backroads very well, and it is very cool to ride country roads well off the beaten track. One ride we stopped at Lighthall Vineyards, a successful small winery that also has branched off into cheese making. We sampled a flight of cheeses, and brought home some tasty chunks. 

lots of haying happening all around the county


the Lakeshore Trail is a great ride

We also had a great visit with our long time friends Lee & Howard, who live in the County. First we had a refreshing swim at Lakeshore beach and then climbed up the dunes and blew bubbles over top...like we were kids again (inspired by Lee) and then went back to the campsite where we rustled up some dinner. Always so much fun to hang out together...our chatting and laughter is endless.

Lee and the bubbles

Did our usual exploring of The County, checked out the shops in Picton, always seems to have a few new shops and restaurants to explore. 

downtown Picton

One afternoon on the way back to site we had a thirst quenching beer at Slake Brewery. They have a very cool looking spot on top of the ridge, the beer and view are both excellent. We had a wonderful dinner with Helen & Paul at Beau’s Bistro patio in Picton, much earned after following Dale and Helen from shop to shop. As we were finishing up our meal, Dale heard her name being called out from across the street, and it was her and Helen’s long time design friend Kim from Ottawa. There were lots of squeals of delight and hugs by the girls...what a thrill for them!

We tried 555 Brewing pub one evening with Mark. Good selection of tasty pizzas, as well as their own micro brew. Even though we were well stuffed with pizza, there was room for a Slicker’s ice cream for dessert.

Another great visit to The County, it is so easy to spend an extended period of time here...so much to do and see.


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