2011 Vacation Day 14 - Thursday: Out for a paddle...

Overcast this morning, but at least it is not raining. The kayaks we rented should be on the beach by 8:30, so we are having breakfast, gathering up our paddling gear, then heading for the beach. Sure enough, the kayaks were there waiting. We got squared away then headed out.
A little windy, so as usual, we stayed close to shore. When we came around a point, dark clouds were above and it was really windy and the waves were much bigger, so Dale turned around back into calmer waters behind the point. I headed forward to have a look around. Lots of nice scenery, especially once you got into the main part of the lake. Lots of red granite cliffs, matched by the white quartzite on the other side. After a while I paddled back to find Dale and convinced her to try it out since the wind had died down.  Lots of rental canoes on the lake today, out exploring all parts of the lake.

We paddled to a little connecting lake called Little Sheguiandah, a tiny bit of water nestled behind the rocky cliffs of the main lake.

The kayaks are quite nice. Mine, the Soltice GT has great lines, paddles  very easily through the water, and has good primary and secondary stability. The only negative, and it is kinda major, is that the seat and sides by my hips are real snug, uncomfortable snug. It is like the seat pan is tapered inwards, squeezing my hips together. The odd thing is, the kayak is wide, so I'm thinking it really is the seat, and not that the kayak is too narrow for me. I can sit for hours in my Perception and not feel any real discomfort. After a while in this, I'm squirming around trying to alleviate pain points.

Clouds are still rolling through, with a few sunny patches to warm things up a bit. After a bit of a rest stop, we headed back to find a nice rock to eat lunch on and watch the other paddlers stream by. After lunch, we just drifted back across the lake, powered only by the wind at our backs. Made it back to our beach in the afternoon.
 Headed into the village of Killarney to post this blog, grabbing a cool beer and bogarting the wifi at the same time.  Soon to have the fish & chips from Herbert's take-out on the harbour docks, we have great reviews from other campers along our route.


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