So I give the tap a healthy twirl...and am immediately greeted with a firehose worthy blast of ICE cold water...pounding out of that little shower stall and drenching my previously civil little change space. Damn cold water. Mountain spring water...with nary a mountain to be seen. I am now officially wide awake.
Walked the beach...absolutely fabulous...and not bad exercise also...walking in wet sand can be a bit of a workout for the legs and feet. Few on the beach...the tide was in, so the beach was different from yesterdays walk.
Doc...there is something seriously wrong with my left foot...
Surf's Up!!!
Temp was great, a little cooling breeze...perfect. Wandered back to the trailer, fired up some breakie, then headed into explore the town...wanted to find a funky coffee shop...for both the caffeine and the wifi. Hampton Beach is like a miniature Coney Island...without all the rides. Lots of t-shirt shops, cheesey take out joints and of course, the casino...albeit run down and seriously tacky. Did find a nice little coffee shop and got logged on. Kinda nice to remain somewhat connected.
Took a run into Salisbury...typical little town...with a massive Wal-Mart sticking out like the sore thumb they can be.A uneventful excursion. Trailering beside us is what appears to be a single Mom and her three teenage girls. This morning they had quite a little arts camp going on at the picnic table...watercolours, painting etc...very serious stuff, and from what I could see, not that bad either. After dinner, I helped them get their campfire going, after which they sat out with an acoustic and sang songs...very Sarah Harmer was really sweet...
Supposed to get down to 42 worries here...we are snug as a bug in a rug...
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